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 Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]

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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySun May 19, 2013 5:38 am

Near the bottom of the tower, Toshu was bent over a forge. He had a peaceful expression as he tapped away at the sword he was making, oblivious to the world around him. He could have simply shaped the steel with a touch, but Toshu didn't like relying on his ninjutsu like that. He was an artist, and he felt that such shortcuts were a form of cheating. The huge man stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow, reflecting on things. Sometimes he regretted his work developing Kinton ninjutsu. It worried him, the idea that someone with the right jutsu could so easily mass-produce weapons like that. Perhaps my secrets died with Raiugakure. A man can hope, at least. he mused before returning to work.

Soon enough, the weapon was finished and cooled. Toshu took up the weapon and felt the balance before sitting by his grindstone. The floor shook slightly as he sat, and the heavy stool creaked under him. With the same intense focus he had shown before, Toshu set down to sharpening his new work.
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Left_bar_bleue1/1Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptyWed May 22, 2013 1:32 am

It wasn't very common for Sakura to be in the ruined village since she was always needed needed to be back at Suigakure. Although, whenever she did she would spend about a week there and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Since the village was in a terrible poverty stricken state, that usually included her helping those in needed, if they asked of course - although anyone who knew her knew that her deeds usually didn't come freely.

She has just come from the city - or what the village called a city. She slid into the sacred tower where herself, and the rest of the Shirotori took refuge whenever they were in town. She walked for a while, before her ears caught on the sounds of pounding within the tower. Already she knew the source and reason for the existent sounds of metal clashing with metal. She abandoned her previous intent on getting to her room within the tower, and went towards the source of the noise. Somehow, the loud crash of metal, although unintentional, sounded rhythmic to her, and she found herself enjoying it.

She came to the door where inside the large man had his back turned her, almost lost in his work. She pondered whether she should actually get involved. She didn't know much about the man other than what Zaku had told her. And what he had told her in particular was that he was dedicated to his art of forging. Nevertheless, she spoke, "Is that one for me perhaps?" She waited for him with a smile, leaning against the door frame.

Last edited by Hyuga Sakura on Wed May 22, 2013 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptyWed May 22, 2013 2:09 am

Toshu looked up when he heard the voice. Setting the blade aside, he stood and gave a polite bow. "Miss Hyuuga, I did not hear you come in. Welcome." His voice rumbled through the room. His tone was pleasant, but the voice itself sounded more like a monster about to devour someone. With the greeting out of the way, he picked up the sword he had just made, testing the edge with his finger. "As for this, I cannot say. I did not make it with anyone particular in mind, it was merely to keep in practice." He approached her, slow footsteps shaking the floor ever so slightly. "Would you like to try it out?" he said, holding the weapon out to her hilt first.

He looked down at the smaller Shirotori as he offered her the weapon. He hadn't gotten to know her well thus far, but he knew her by reputation. She was a bit of a mystery to him, but he knew enough to know that the two of them were quite different. While Toshu did what he did purely for the art, Sakura had a reputation as the most mercenary member of their organization. Even the smallest things were done for the money. That alone he could never hope to understand, but her reputation for accepting any payment, no matter how small, baffled him even more. He had decided already that he would probably never understand her reasoning, but they were colleagues and he would be damned if he couldn't work with her cordially.
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptyWed May 22, 2013 1:41 pm

To say the least, Sakura was pleased with the man's politeness. She smiled and returned his bow. To others who knew of them, the Shirotori was seemingly a group of ruthless ninjas and mercenaries, but to Sakura, and several of the rest of members, including the man before her, they were a close-knit group almost like a family. Still, even with the man's moral decency, his voice still told another tale on the type of person he was. Even she herself found herself respecting him more out of a sliver of fear because of how gruff and low pitch his voice sounded. Nevertheless, that fear was only small with her.

Sakura stood still considering the weapon suddenly offered to her, trying to see as much as she could about the blade. She wasn't a blacksmith, or anything close to it, but she didn't need to be to admire a weapon like she was. "I don't actually use weapons, but since you insist," she said, taking the sword with both her hands so as that it wouldn't force her hand. "I think I'll start to use a sword," she said, chortling jocosely looking at him. She held the sword up and ran it across her finger, surprised slightly when it had cut into her finger even though she barely pressed on. "Even when not try you make great weapons. You're quite something aren't you."
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:27 pm

Toshu smiled at the common ground they were finding. Like him, miss Hyuuga seemed to have a great respect for manners and formality. She seemed a bit nervous, but then again so did almost anyone who met him. He could understand why. His size alone was intimidating, and his voice seemed more suited to a ruthless warrior than a gentle soul like himself. He took it upon himself to help people overcome these fears.

Meanwhile, Toshu had some concerns of his own. It worried him that someone untrained was going to try out a sword, but he had already made the offer and it would be rude to retract it now. He handed over the weapon, watching nervously as she tried it out. He tried to reach out a hand to stop her when she ran her finger along the blade, but as is often the case he was too slow. He was going to apologize, but before he could she cut him off with a compliment. He gave another bow, noticing that the wound seemed to be closing with surprising speed. "You flatter me, miss Hyuuga, but I'm afraid your flattery is not entirely accurate. I tried just as much on this piece as on any other." he gently took the sword back, turning it over in his hands. "In future, there is a less painful way to test its sharpness. The sword is designed to work with a cutting motion, but not with a scraping motion. If you drag your finger perpendicular to the blade rather than along it-" he demonstrated as he spoke. "-you can feel the sharpness without cutting yourself. Or, you could simply do this." With that, Toshu plucked a hair from his beard and dropped it on the edge of the blade. The sword cut it neatly, without the slightest resistance.
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Left_bar_bleue1/1Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 12:38 am

Sakura could tell that the man seemingly wasn't as informed of her abilities and capabilities as she was off his as he tried to stop her from cutting herself. Nevertheless, at least he knew now, and she didn't mind it one bit, whether it would cause some form of advantage for him in the long run of the two were to meet in combat or not. Overall though, she was grateful that he was at least looking out for her well being, showing more and more of his kindness to her.

Even though Sakura's completely was mostly just her way of giving the large male a 'ego stroke', so to speak, she was surprised by his honesty. She watched with actual interest as he displayed the use of the sword before her - especially since she herself wasn't good at it so she could at least try to learn something from him. When the strand of hair had finally fallen to the ground, which had took a while creating some silence between the two, Sakura rekindled the conversation once more. "I guess that was better indeed," she said, "Maybe you should teach me to use a sword better some time in the future." She looked at him slightly more challenging now, but nevertheless she was smiling with her usual kindness and a hint of sincere inquiry since she meant her words.

Still, she couldn't help but laugh internally at the irony of the situation. She who was usually the helper, was now the one being helped. She had never mind being helped, no matter of trivial a task even though most people saw it as a sign of weakness. But she wasn't invincible, so she certainly was weak.
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 12:46 am

Toshu considered her offer. "I am afraid I am still learning myself, but perhaps we could learn together. Most of my skills have leaned towards the creation of these works, not their use. Though lately I have been trying to improve my skills." He set the sword down. This young woman was certainly polite, he had the feeling they would become good friends.

"I have also heard we share a common interest." he said, sorting through some scrolls on a shelf. "You are fuinjutsu user, yes? A skill we have in common. Perhaps we could compare notes sometime, we may be able to help each other." Toshu was a bit understated in what he said. He had heard of her skills, she was a true master of fuinjutsu. With her guidance, he hoped to perfect his skills. He had plenty of ideas to implement, but it would take time and practice.
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Left_bar_bleue1/1Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 1:39 am

Sakura was slightly surprised by his confession to the say the least. True enough she did figure he seemed a little too big to be a swordsman since most swordsmen excelled in quick movements, but she wasn't willing to judge so quickly; especially since most people figure she was just some beautiful woman, and not in fact a ruthless killer. Nevertheless, it seemed like she didn't know as much about him as she thought she knew about him, and that made her feel more fascinated and better than if she did. "I'm surprised since you are such a terrific blacksmith," she paused, "But I would certainly love that." Her smile visibly grew more now.

His next proposal was a bit surprising, but since she had at least gained some knowledge from Zaku that he was capable of fuinjutsu, she was mostly just surprised to hear him ask her for help rather than hear that he was capable of the art. Even though she knew her answer already she pretended to be considering the idea, placing a figure to her lip and tracing it thoughtfully. "I guess we'd both be doing each other a favor that way," she said. Her natural insistence on helping kicked in and she added in, smiling, "Or perhaps do you think the wager is a little one sided and one of us needs to bring more to the table."
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 2:00 am

Toshu smiled. It was good to have his art recognized, especially by someone as skilled as she was. Sakura had an eye for weapons, and she saw the work that went into his. "You flatter me, miss. While I do know some kenjutsu, I am far from a master. Hardly a novice, even." he said with a slight bow.

He was a little confused at her question. He had heard of her reputation, but was she asking for payment for them to work together? Or was it something else entirely? "I'm afraid I don't understand, miss Hyuuga." he said, hoping for clarification. She had been straightforward thus far, but then again shinobi seldom stayed that way. He knew he should have expected to be thrown for a loop.
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Left_bar_bleue1/1Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 4:35 am

It was quite obvious that Sakura's little playful remark wasn't seen as such by the weapon smith. She had expected as much, somewhat. He was bother line kind - at least to the Shirotori members it seemed - but he certainly wasn't a person very large on jokes. She could tell by the simplest thing as such as whenever he would share a smile with her all of those smiles, while sincere, they were mostly dull. She didn't mind that about him one bit either though.

She broke the silence, speaking a bit more nervously defensive now to relax the thoughts she knew he was likely having at that point. "It's nothing. Was just curious whether you wanted more from the trade if you thought it was a bit unfair," she said now mostly dismissing the matter unless he thought to bring it back up - admittedly she would enjoy that. When she felt like comforting him even more, and maybe make him a little bewildered, she added in, "I'm sure you have heard of my... habits when it comes to money." She paused to look at him to see whether his expression changed enough to betray his knowledge and then continued. "If you have, don't worry, while I do love money enough to slaughter innocent children for it, I do not put it above those who I love and care for." She chuckled softly, putting on a fake blush to mislead, "If you haven't then I guess this makes things a bit awkward now."
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 4:52 am

Toshu calmed down a bit when she explained it was a joke. "Ah, my apologies. I can have a bit of trouble with wordplay at times." Toshu's love of formality could be a bit of a disadvantage. When someone slipped casual humor into conversation, he often missed it. He supposed this was one of those times.

What came next made him feel less at ease. While he knew that their work involved a lot of unsavory things, it was unsettling to hear someone speak that casually about infanticide. He assumed it was probably another joke, a bit of hyperbole to emphasize her mercenary attitude. He was going to settle down when her next line caught him off-guard again. Why was she blushing like that? Did she mean to imply that she had feelings for him? Toshu frowned, concerned. He hardly knew her, and while he knew that she was what would be traditionally considered attractive, her looks didn't quite appeal to him. He tried to put that out of his mind, focusing on what was said rather than implied. "Yes, I have heard of your love of money. If you wish, I could pay you for your time."
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 6:19 pm

Sakura giggled at his words. "It's okay. My humor can sometimes be a bit different I guess," she said, her words true. Most people saw her type of fun and jokes as either cruel or taking too lightly. She knew when it was either, but she certainly wouldn't stop since it was interesting to see people's reaction out of them.

She loved being straightforward and having a normal conversation with this man, but she couldn't resist her natural urge to play games with him. She noticed that he too had paused as she mentioned love and care as she continued to blush and avoid direct eye contact, and on the inside she couldn't help but laugh in amusement by it all. He was old enough to be her father, but that didn't make him ineligible to her mind games. "No, no, it's okay, you helping me train will more than suffice, and as I said, I care for and love you, so I won't charge you." She said it more directly now, but she was done playing the whole blushing thing and so her blush retreated as fast as it had come. She liked playing games, but she certainly didn't want to cross the boundaries and make him hate her for it. Most people did.
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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 6:44 pm

Toshu was still caught a little off-guard by this discussion of feelings. It was rather sudden, having someone he had met mere minutes ago talking about loving and caring for him. Thinking on it, he decided it was possible that that was simply how she talked. She had shown a gift for hyperbole before, maybe this sort of affection was just how she treated people. Either way, he would have to settle matters tactfully. "I am glad that we can work together, miss Hyuuga. Though we have just met, I see we can be good colleagues, and perhaps good friends as well." He hoped that would be enough to get his point across delicately. The suddenness of her affectionate words, the distance still between them, and his lack of romantic interest all bundled up into a few well-mannered words.

Looking at the clock, he realized he had taken somewhat longer than intended. "My apologies, miss Hyuuga, but I must be going. I must go traveling this afternoon, and I have yet to pack." He gave a bow. "Until we meet again."
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Hyuga Sakura

Hyuga Sakura

Posts : 73
Village : Umigakure no Sato | Shirotori
Rank : Umigakure Anbu | Shirotori Assassin

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Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Left_bar_bleue1/1Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 9:40 pm

Sakura could tell that he was treading the topic a bit carefully and delicately now. It was admirable that he managed to keep his composure so easily though and handle the situation with just as much finest. "I think that too," simply replied, smiling.

She followed his gaze as he glanced at the clock, didn't even waiting for him to say so, before she could tell he had something to do by studying the slight change in his reaction as he watched the clock. "Okay," she said, walking towards the door, "I wish you safe and pleasant trip, Mr. Blacksmith." She returned his bow and smiled before she left the room, starting towards her own quarters. She wasn't sure what it was he had to do, but she was surely curious at this point. Nevertheless, she was certainly pleased with the way the situation played out since she now had a swordsmanship teacher.

Guess I should distract myself from wherever he is going by thinking up a new epithet for after I start to use swords, she thought out of the blue just for the sake of fascination.

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Kajiya Toshu

Kajiya Toshu

Posts : 89
Village : Shirotori
Rank : S

Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inside the Artist's Studio [Open]   Inside the Artist's Studio [Open] EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 11:28 pm

After an exchange of goodbyes, Toshu had the workshop to himself again. He immediately set to packing, as quickly as he could manage. He picked up a backpack, large enough to carry a normal-sized man, and filled it with travel rations, spare clothes, and whatever else he might need for his journey. Lastly, he set a long white coat at the top of the pack. He didn't like the uniform very much, but it was what Lord Zaku had picked, and it was his job to make it known. He slung the pack over his back and headed out the door.

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