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 The Mad Mans Descent[Open]

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Yuuki Terumi

Yuuki Terumi

Posts : 37
Village : Ex Kemurigakure
Rank : S

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The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Left_bar_bleue3/8The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (3/8)

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 4:57 am

Its been quite some time since Yuuki had time to travel, being cooped up in that tower was boring. He may be a Shirotori now but he still loved to travel the lands and hearing about the village where the Kage who kill there previous leader was buried made Yuuki anxious to see this gravestone and revel in his demise. But other than that Yuuki had plans for this city and big ones at that but that would have to wait. Yuukis smile was plastered on his face as he walked through the village the people stared at him odd and this didn't hinder Yuuki once since he was used to it when he was younger. As he walked through the town the sound of training made Yuuki stop "Such a familiar sound, the training of young shinobi willing to help this village to there last breath. Such misguided youths maybe i should stop by and check out these young ones." Yuuki mummered to himself as he walked towards the Academy.

He stopped a few feet from the entrance and as he did he vanished and reappeared on the roof. This was the best viewpoint for Yuuki to watch the new shinobi training to become suicidal for a cause that wasnt there own. He watched from this viewpoint even if his shadow was being cast down to the students he wanted his presence to be known hoping he could meet with a student who would be willing to listen to his rants about how they are working for a cause that isnt theres.
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Hirano Arumi
Hirano Arumi

Posts : 543

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The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 6:34 am

They had it in for her, she knew it. Arumi could think of no other reason why they'd send her to deliver all this crap to the academy. It was a delivery within the village, they didn't even need a ninja for that. This must have been some sort of punishment. They were mad about her little violent outbursts, so they were sending her on a mission that even she couldn't turn into a bloodbath.

She dropped off her cargo and stepped out of the academy. Arumi had stopped wearing her cloak lately. She didn't really care about hiding her arms anymore. All four were out in the open for all the world to see, and her shirt showed the lower half of her tattoo. Between the mutations, the scars, the ink, and her height, Arumi had an unusually imposing presence for a genin. Most of the villagers were steering clear of her. Grumbling under her breath, Arumi started to walk away from the academy.
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Fuusui Emi

Fuusui Emi

Posts : 34
Village : Soragakure
Rank : C

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 2:50 am

Ok, Kiku had wandered off to do his thing. Look for souvenirs, she guessed. He actually tried to bring her along, but she told him she had to take care of some "stuff". He didn't insist much after that.

Now she was alone, and trying to work up the courage to go visit her mother's grave. Ha ha... ha... yeah, that was way harder than it should be. Come on, Emi! Get yourself together! It was only visiting a gravestone, and leaving flowers... it was no big deal! It shouldn't be a big deal!

...Well, there was no evil in walking around a bit first, right? It had been a while since the last time she was here. She had to see the sights! Now where could she start... yeah, the ninja academy! Seeing the kids training would probably be both nostalgic and uplifting. With that in mind, she started walking towards the academy... and meeting a tall four-armed girl along the way.

"Hey there!"
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Yuuki Terumi

Yuuki Terumi

Posts : 37
Village : Ex Kemurigakure
Rank : S

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Jutsu Tokens:
The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Left_bar_bleue3/8The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (3/8)

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 3:40 am

Yuuki enjoyed watching these misguided children practice but he was slowly getting bored of watching them. Yuuki lifted his arm up out of the sleeve and pointed it towards the unsuspecting children his hand slowly twitched as threads emerged from his skin. As chakra built up in his hand Yuukis attention was taken by the sight of a four armed girl leaving the building with a irate look on her face. "What a marvel we have here, what would cause an oddity to emerge in such a young person" Yuuki said to himself as the chakra dispersed from his arm and the threads retreated back into his skin. Yuuki lifted up his arm and something from his back moved towards his arm and a mass of threads released from his hand and at the end was a yellow demon like mask. Yuuki let out a little chuckle as he left the masked creature to stand watch and continue to channel chakra aimed at the poor students. He looked down to the girl his face full of intrigue even though it was hard to tell that by his usual grin like expression on his face.

Yuuki watched as another girl approached the one with four arms there was nothing special about this girl that intrigued Yuuki so he would ignore her his focus was on this girl with the extra set of limbs. He leapt from the roof to land directly six feet from the two girls his wicked grin not leaving his face as he approached them. "Nice day isnt it?" Yuuki said questiongly as he began to walk towards the two. As he made it about two feet from the girls the yellow masked creature released a massive burst of electricity towards the children impacting them and creating a large explosion. Even as this happened Yuuki kept his grin on his face waiting for a reply from the girls. As he stood there the odd creature leapt from the building landing behind Yuuki standing there quietly and motionless as if it was a statue.

Jutsu Used:

Last edited by Yuuki Terumi on Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hirano Arumi
Hirano Arumi

Posts : 543

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Jutsu Tokens:
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The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 4:27 am

Arumi looked up when she heard another girl's voice. A stranger, about her age or a little older. She was pretty, and wearing some sort of hat. Arumi had never bothered to learn what hats were called, all she needed to know was that it was a hat and therefore looked kind of goofy. It took her a second to notice the stranger's insignia, but when she did she tensed up. This stranger was from Soragakure, just like that weird older ninja who'd put her in a genjutsu and threatened her. "What you want?" Arumi asked, eying the girl suspiciously. If she was up to something, Arumi would be ready to beat her like she was full of candy.

She was distracted from the girl by the appearance of another stranger, a tall light-haired man with a sleazy-looking grin, the kind of smile that practically screamed "I am a complete asshole." She glared him down. "Nice enough." He was getting uncomfortably close, inside their personal space. What was this guy's deal, anyways? Was he some kind of pervert? Arumi was taking a step back when she heard the explosion. Oh god, not again. she thought, turning to look at the devastation. Some psycho had blasted the academy! A masked monster dropped down, landing behind the pervert. It stood still, as if waiting for its next order.

Arumi didn't quite trust this new girl, but now was no time for xenophobia. She needed to act. "Keep him busy for a second!" she shouted to the other girl, leaping back. She would have time for more transformations, but right now she needed to act quickly. Arumi growled, and all four hands grew and mutated into bird-like talons. Focusing her wind chakra, she extended the cutting surface of her claws. Arumi was ready for battle. She charged in low, slashing upward with her right claws as she moved to dash past him.

Jutsu used:

Last edited by Hirano Arumi on Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fuusui Emi

Fuusui Emi

Posts : 34
Village : Soragakure
Rank : C

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 1:11 am

The stranger wasn't too friendly, which might be a perk of having four arms. Oh, well. Emi was quite nervous too, what with procrastinating really important things. "Oh, nothing, just walking... around..." She started casually but gradually stopped talking as she saw the strange smiling man jump behind the four-armed girl. There was something strange with that guy. The way he smiled, the way he walked... he approached them, letting out a friendly greeting. Except it didn't sound friendly at all. Damn.

"Pretty sunny." Emi remarked, casually referencing the stone roof above them. Jokes were good, though in that case the atmosphere didn't get any lighter. And then came the explosion. It had come from the academy! That must mean all those kids... before Emi had a chance to move, Mask DeMasque landed behind the smiling man. And while the monster was a terrifying sight, it wasn't as unnerving as the man's smile.

Emi liked smiles, that's for sure. She enjoyed making people smile, showing them there's a part of life that could be enjoyed. But his smile... no, it wasn't a fake smile. At least it didn't look like that. The man was genuinely smiling, but she had no idea what was behind that smile. It wasn't happiness, or a smirk from a joke, or anything. Sure, she could imagine possibilities, but all of them made her sick in the stomach.

And then the bigger girl jumped back, telling her to keep the man busy. Emi had to think fast, and she did. The man was powerful, that much was obvious. Only her best would come close to enough.

With a few quick handseals, a giant tree sprouted from the ground around the smiling man, trapping him in its branches. Almost immediately after that, she took eight shuriken, four in each hand, and threw them at the man. Worst case scenario, she'd keep him busy for a few seconds. Best case scenario, she'd keep him busy for the rest of his life, which wouldn't be long.

Jutsu used::
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Yuuki Terumi

Yuuki Terumi

Posts : 37
Village : Ex Kemurigakure
Rank : S

Ninja Info
Jutsu Tokens:
The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Left_bar_bleue3/8The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (3/8)

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 7:01 am

The smile on Yuukis face didn't alter one bit even when the screams of the surviving children rang through the air. As the girl talked about keeping him busy Yuuki just shrugged as a tree appeared behind him and entangled him, Yuuki did nothing to react as the shurikens the girl threw slammed into his body. As they stabbed into him the four armed girl rushed him in a low stance slashing him across the body as she dashed by his immobilized body. Yuukis head slumped over as he seemed to die from these fatal blows. But mere minutes later Yuuki began to laugh as he rose his head opening his eyes to reveal the odd blue color. "Such skilled shinobi, didnt know there were some in this world able to manipulate wind as you do girl. I should show you some pointers to better manage that wind" Yuuki said in his casual tone tot he four armed girl. As he said this threads began to emerge from his skin ripping away at the tree allowing Yuuki free movement once again.

As he was freed the Yellow masked beast walked closer to the girls watching them tentatively as Yuuki ripped the shurikens from his body revealing no blood but a mass of threads coursing through his body. The large gash on his chest ripped through his clothes revealing more of the threads. "Such a nuisance, ruining my favorite robe" Yuuki said as he ripped the robe off revealing his body which had multiple stitch marks scattered through his chest to his forearms. But the oddest thing was the protrusions on his back which were 2 other masks which began to move and shoot out from his body taking on the forms of giant creatures and standing next to the yellow masked one. "Didnt think i would need to let these guys fight also, but it appears there is a genjutsu user and ohhh how much i hate genjutsu" Yuuki said in his usual happy tone. As he finished speaking the mouths on each mask opened generating chakra, as they did that yuuki walked infront of them and flicked his fingers towards the girl with the four arms. As he did this gesture a series of air waves shot towards her attempting to slice her to ribbons.

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Hirano Arumi
Hirano Arumi

Posts : 543

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Jutsu Tokens:
The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Left_bar_bleue0/1The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/1)

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 7:37 am

Arumi turned, a smug grin on her face. She had ripped him wide open while he stood there like a chump. Maybe this foreign girl was some use after all. Her genjutsu had frozen this psycho while Arumi gave him some new orifices. She was gonna have to catch the foreigner's name after all this was said and done.

Her smile faded away when he started talking. Why wasn't he dead? More importantly, how could he speak at all? That wound should have ripped his lung open, he should be too wheezy to get word one out of his mouth. And of course, the first thing he said had to be a potshot at her wind. She knew it was weak, it was just a quirk of her clan. The look of shock was replaced by a snarl as she braced herself for round two.

The smiling man waved his fingers, and Arumi was glad she hadn't charged recklessly again. The genin barely had time to dive out of the way as a flurry of air blades ripped through where she had just been standing. A few sliced across her shoulder, but she managed to avoid the worst of it. Snarling, Arumi got back to her feet. This guy was powerful, really powerful. She wouldn't be able to beat him with the strength she had now, but the Brute jutsu would make her too large a target. She would never be able to dodge a jutsu like he had just used in that form. She only had one real option. Arumi growled, feeling the transformations inside her mouth. Pain seized her as her tongue became strong and elastic, with a surprise at the center. With an angry roar, Arumi shot out the Frogtongue, making it look like she was trying to wrap around his head. If she managed to get anything close to a grip, her stinger was ready to shoot out and inject him with rot-inducing sludge.

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Fuusui Emi

Fuusui Emi

Posts : 34
Village : Soragakure
Rank : C

The Mad Mans Descent[Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mad Mans Descent[Open]   The Mad Mans Descent[Open] EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 8:55 am

It all went incredibly smoothly. The genjutsu, the shurikens, the big girls's strike... the man was dead in a single combo. That... was easy. Way too easy. That other girl was amazing, too. She'd have to get her name. But... something was wrong. The guy was... laughing?


The smiling man opened his eyes, which... made him even more creepier, even if that was possible. Sure, Emi had seen some shit, but... that was way over the top. Every word of his helped to put Emi in a state of fear and disbelief, which only became worse when she realized his body was made of black threads and was full of stitches and two other masked creatures came out of him. But no, that wasn't the worst part. The definitely worst part? "Oooh, how much I hate genjutsu". Every single one of these words sent a shiver down her spine.

"...What the fuck... are you...?" Were the only words the girl managed to say upon seeing someone casually come back to life and being made of threads. And greating masked creatures out of those threads.

And then he attacked. It was a good thing that his target was the four-armed girl, because Emi was too busy trying to compute everything that had happened in the past 20 seconds, but thankfully seeing a girl almost get sliced into tiny red ribbons by fucking wind blades created by masked creatures made of black threads helped her wake up. For some reason. And soon after the girl landed, Emi quickly made her move: with a few handseals, the smiling man was surrounded by fire. Hot, burning fire.

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