Hello Fellow Members of NLOS, today i want to bring up an issue that most of our veteran members and even new members have noticed. Lately our Founder and Owner of the site, Amaterasu or Amy for short has been saying she will close the site down (seeing as threatening is to strong of a word), and me and a couple of other staff members have seen this a a huge problem.
Now to show this isn't a hostile takeover on the site i am going to leave it to you, the members, to decided if you want a change in ownership. Now to Amy, this isn't me trying to take anything from you, but what you are doing is going to hurt alot of people that like to rp on here. I am only asking that you step down and hand the mantel of owner onto another so we can progress the site more, which is why i am putting it to a vote between members.
In this global announcement, there will be a simple poll saying whether you want her to step down or not. Reasons are acceptable for why or why not you want her to. This will be up for up to four days.